
Blog@CSU Library

Welcome to the CSU Library EndNote Blog,
where you will find information, resources and alerts
related to the use of EndNote at Charles Sturt University.

Friday, 11 December 2009

New EndNote Connection File For The CSU Library Catalogue

Due to the recent update to the Library catalogue, the old CSU connection file no longer works (for searching the Library catalogue and adding references from there to EndNote). A new connection file is available for download from the Plugins page (under 'Connections') on the CSU Library's EndNote website.

You will need to save this new connection file to the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Endnote X?\Connections

*Please ensure that you overwrite any previous versions of this connection file as they are now obsolete.

*Please note that this connection file will not work on-campus at the moment. We are currently working on fixing this problem. If you have any questions or need to get the connection file working on-campus, please contact your Faculty Liaison librarian.