If you use acronyms in in-text citations most referencing styles require the item in the reference list to show the full name of the author, with a corresponding cross-reference for the acronym.
NECMA see: North East Catchment Management Authority
North East Catchment Management Authority (1998). Annual report. Wodonga, Vic.: North East Catchment Management Authority.
In-text citations added using EndNote can be edited as follows, to exclude the authors name and add the required acronym as a prefix:
- insert the reference in your document
- click on the in-text citation
- select the Edit Citation(s) option in the EndNote toolbar
- check the Exclude author box
- add the acronym at the Prefix prompt, including a space after the acronym. If you are using a referencing style such as APA which requires a comma after the author's name, type a comma after the acronym, e.g. NECMA, including a space after the comma.
- click on OK to close the Edit Citation(s) dialog window, and the in-text citation should appear in the form (NECMA, 1998)
The cross-reference can be added to to your reference list after you have finished the document and converted it to plain text (removed the field codes).
Alternatively, you can add a dummy (author only) record to your EndNote library, insert it as an in-text reference, and use the Edit Citation(s) options to exclude the author and the year. The dummy reference, with the cross-reference entered in the author field will then only appear in the reference list.
- add a new reference to your EndNote library, with the cross-reference entered in the Author field, eg. 'NECMA see: North East Catchment Management Authority,'. This must be entered in the form of a corporate author, finishing with a comma.
- at any point in your document insert this new reference
- click on the in-text citation and select the Edit Citation(s) option in the EndNote toolbar
- check the Exclude author and the Exclude year boxes
- click on OK to close the Edit Citation(s) dialog window. The cross-reference will no longer appear as an in-text citation, but should appear in the reference list
Macaulay, S., & Edwards, D. (2008). Mapping catchment evolution - groundwater pathways: the invisible history of rivers and how they still influence the landscape. Australian Landcare (Mar 2008), 34-37.
NECMA see: North East Catchment Management Authority.
North East Catchment Management Authority (1998). Annual report. Wodonga, Vic.: North East Catchment Management Authority.