EndNote X2 is now available for use by CSU staff and students.
This version is compatible with Windows & Mac computers, and includes a range of new features:
*improved compatabilty with Widows Vista
*new tools menu in EndNote & Word
*additional groups options eg. Smart Groups
*deleted references are now temporarily stored in a Trash Group
*records downloaded from databases are now automatically saved in the currently open library
*three different modes related to online searching
*a new Tab Pane that replaces the previous Preview Pane, and separate Search and Preview Panes
*date stamping of records; each record now displays Added to Library and Last Updated dates
*more easily accessible option to compress and email a library
*downloaded or customised referencing styles are now saved in your personal folders rather than with the EndNote Program files
Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version of Endnote and have created any referencing styles or filters, you will need to copy these files to a temporary location before installing EndNote X2.