
Blog@CSU Library

Welcome to the CSU Library EndNote Blog,
where you will find information, resources and alerts
related to the use of EndNote at Charles Sturt University.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

EndNote X2 is now available !

EndNote X2 is now available for use by CSU staff and students.

This version is compatible with Windows & Mac computers, and includes a range of new features:
*improved compatabilty with Widows Vista
*new tools menu in EndNote & Word
*additional groups options eg. Smart Groups
*deleted references are now temporarily stored in a Trash Group
*records downloaded from databases are now automatically saved in the currently open library
*three different modes related to online searching
*a new Tab Pane that replaces the previous Preview Pane, and separate Search and Preview Panes
*date stamping of records; each record now displays Added to Library and Last Updated dates
*more easily accessible option to compress and email a library
*downloaded or customised referencing styles are now saved in your personal folders rather than with the EndNote Program files

Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version of Endnote and have created any referencing styles or filters, you will need to copy these files to a temporary location before installing EndNote X2.