
Blog@CSU Library

Welcome to the CSU Library EndNote Blog,
where you will find information, resources and alerts
related to the use of EndNote at Charles Sturt University.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Diffferent fonts appearing in in-text citations & references

If you enter, edit & save EndNote records using the default ‘Plain font’ and ‘Plain size’ settings, EndNote will automatically adopt the font and size of the text in your MS Word document.

If fonts, sizes or styles, other than the default ‘Plain …’ are used in your EndNote records, the text will appear in that format, regardless of the font formatting used in your MS Word document.

EndNote users may end up with different fonts in their Endnote library if they cut and paste text from other sources/documents into EndNote when they creat a records. In which case, selecting the text in your EndNote record and then choosing 'Plain font' and 'Plain size' will overcome this problem.