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Monday, 15 June 2009

Displaying / Hiding field codes in MS Word

When you use CWYW in MS Word to include in-text citations, EndNote includes information in the document, about the corresponding references in hidden field codes.


{ADDIN EN.CITE Marschark2003146
1461462326Marschark, MarcSpencer, Patricia ElizabethOxford handbook of deaf studies, language, and educationxvi, 505 p.Deaf Social conditions.Deaf Education.Deaf Means of communication.Sign language2003
Oxford ; New YorkOxford University Press0195149971 (cloth alk. paper)HV2380 .O88 2003 362.4/2http://ezproxy.csu.edu.au/

EndNote users occasionaly, inadvertently toggle the 'switch' to display the field codes in MS Word ... without then knowing how to hide them!

Pressing Alt + F9 in MS Word will display / hide the field codes

It is recommended that you do not view field codes in Word. If you choose to view field codes, please do not modify them. Always keep backups of your papers!