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Monday, 22 June 2009

Hyphenated author names

At a recent EndNote workshop , we were asked how to enter a hyphenated name in an EndNote record so that it is rendered correctly in EndNote using the APA 5th referencing style.
Yeh, Ryh-Song

If this author's name is entered in EndNote as Yeh, Ryh-Song it will be listed in the corresponding reference as Yeh, R.-s. MS Word accepts Ctrl + Shift +_ as a non-breaking hyhen, but this does not work in EndNote.

One way to overcome this problem is to enter it as an hyphenated corporate author.
Australia,, Department of Immigration = Australia, Department of Immigration
Yeh,, Ryh-song = Yeh, Ryh-Son

The corresponding in-text citation when using the APA output style will then appear as (Yeh, 2009).